Advertising can be simple. With one phone call, one order, one bill and one check, you can place in media statewide or even beyond. You only need Media Placement One (MP1), the advertising placement service powered by the Michigan Press Association. Simply give us the guidelines and demographics you’re considering. We’ll take it from there. MP1 will provide you with an itemized quote displaying rates, audience figures, total ad cost and run dates. MP1 can quote for print, online, inserts, broadcast, gas pumps... and more!
MP1 can help you research new or existing markets based on zip codes, market penetration, geographic or demographic information. We can provide timely quotes or market research on any media you request.
When it comes to coverage, MP1 Covers the Map »MP1 can guide your messages to all media outlets, or to whatever slice you choose.
MP1’s staff knows how to navigate advertising. We realize that working with newspapers and other media outlets can be time-consuming. We alleviate the frustration of multiple phone calls, insertion orders and ad distribution involved in multiple buys - and save you money in the process.
MP1 participates in a nationwide ad services network. Let us use our contacts to access information you need from any other media platform in the country.
And our services include All Media »Choose from a range of products, including digital, newspaper inserts, niche publications, and more. We can even fill in the gap if you need assistance with broadcast, billboards, theatre . . . anything!
And best of all, Our Service saves time & money! »You will never pay more than the qualified rate into any media platform. There are no membership fees and we do not mark up rates. There is no minimum or maximum number of platforms to buy. Whether you need just a few newspapers or a nationwide multi-platform buy, we can fulfill your campaign needs.
You will be advised of any discounts you are eligible to receive.
MP1 was established to make it easier for advertisers to work with effective media, and save time and money. Most of our services are paid for by the media, not by you. MP1 is here to help you find the most direct route, wherever you need to go.
Bottom line is you save hours of time in research, quotes, proof of publications, invoicing, collections, etc.
Sound good? Request a Quote »Media Placement One, the advertising placement service powered by the Michigan Press Association, takes you wherever you want to go. Simply give us the guidelines and demographics you’re considering. We’ll take it from there.
827 N. Washington Ave., Lansing, MI 48906
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